The Vision and Creation
Traveling through the void of space, rays of light reach earth, unite with matter, and give birth to color. Inhaling the divine fragrance of color, the scarves of Doni Amoris uplift the sophisticated individual, infusing the dance of life with colors of love.
Like the cocoon that protects a radiant butterfly, the scarves of Doni Amoris embrace the wearer to enhance her health and beauty by combining advancements in color therapy with superb quality and energies of sacred places from around the world. Doni Amoris manifests colors of sublime origin onto his scarves with purposeful intention and with the vision to inspire greater beauty and peace across the planet.

a deeper Connection
Doni Amoris' scarves are loved by healers, master shamans, and spiritual icons such as Deva Premal, Alberto Villoldo, Kyle Gray, Diana Cooper, Tim Whild, Yantara Jiro and many more. Each one of them enjoys life with passion, unleashes the beauty of their inner light, and cherishes a deeper connection with their loved ones surrounding them, while being embraced by Doni Amoris' fabrics of illumination.

The perfect Union of color, energy and prayer...
Wearing the scarf will add its vibrational medicine to your aura and harmonize your energy flow. Studies with the MORA Bio-Resonance technology have shown that wearing the scarves of Doni Amoris increases the energy flow of certain meridians by 18% to 25%.
The energy of the scarf is transmitted in two ways. On a physical level, the color energy of the scarf is absorbed by light receptors in our skin (Brown University research) and then distributed by the meridian channels to the various organs.
On the non-physical level, our aura absorbs the energy field of the scarf, re-balances itself, and then delivers the energy to the chakra system. The energized chakras then send this energy to the various glands, such as the pineal gland, which supports our physical and spiritual well-being.

✨Increases the energy flow of certain meridians by 18% to 25% ✨
✨Aura and chakras are purified and harmonized within seven minutes ✨
✨Doni Amoris blesses each scarf with love and intent ✨
A wearable blessing

Sacred Place
Doni Amoris scarves are programmed with intent using specific energies from various sacred places around the world and beyond.
Inspired by the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, who found proof that our thoughts and feelings have direct impact on the molecular structure of water, Doni traveled to many sacred sites around the world to take samples of water. With the water samples and other elements, Doni ceremonially blesses each scarf with an array of powerful spiritual energies and invocations.

Colors of Love
Leonardo da Vinci’s discovery that prayer and meditation is ten times more powerful while surrounded by violet light, motivated Doni Amoris to explore the different properties of colors for creating the scarves.
Doni carefully studied colors, scientific research on color healing, and utilized the latest knowledge in synergy with wisdom traditions to create his scarves. Each scarf is carefully crafted in collaboration with an Italian atelier, using environmental-friendly inks and exclusively printing on finest Italian fabrics.

Birth of a Scarf
When Doni Amoris designs a new scarf, the starting point is always the creation of a Flower Mandala or Medicine Wheel. The aim of this is to concentrate energy and to create colors that awaken the inner light of our heart. The energy and the colors of the Mandala are then transferred into the design of the scarf via Doni Amoris' self-developed photographic process - the Soul Image Ceremony®.
In this ceremony, pure color waves and sublime energies become visible to the human eye, resulting in a photographic image - a Soul Image. This Soul Image, the energy of the Mandala is then imprinted onto fabric, creating a luxurious and energy-filled scarf. The perfect union of the energy of the mandala with the energy of the sacred place and Doni’s prayer will give life to the scarf to become a one of a kind talisman.

Doni Amoris' scarves create a beautiful life
For the past 12 years, Doni Amoris has traveled all over the world, met with many people, and experienced the beautiful light in the hearts of everyone. He received divine guidance to design an unparalleled spiritual technology, the Illumination Scarves, to support the beauty and vitality of our inner Light. Today, Doni's work uplifts the heart of loved ones, reveals their inner light, and supports a global awakening for a world of greater love and peace.

What They Say
"We Love your scarves! What makes them so special are the sacred energies, the love and care that you have put into them. Truly conscious clothing!"
- Deva Premal & Miten
“This is not just a beautiful scarf...it has healing powers!!! It's like a talisman...calling out the light of my inner Soul Essence!”
- Alishina Lightning
"Doni's scarves are like portals that help us to connect between the realms. I love to have mine around me when I am doing energy work."
- Kyle Gray
"The beautiful gift of your sacred scarves has just arrived and I am bowled over by their energy and beauty. They are so gorgeous and I absolutely love them all. I love the way you have channeled your energy into creating these very high frequency scarves."
- Diana Cooper
"The first experience with my scarf was an instant expansion of the aura, and a boost of my clairvoyance. Thank you for creating this beautiful wearable piece of spiritual technology."
- Birkan Tore
"Doni's ability to bring in the elements of your soul energy signature through colors and most importantly present it in the form of wearable art and as a functional self-empowering tool is unbelievable."
- Yantara Jiro
"My scarf feels like I'm putting on a cloak of protection and a veil into other dimensions...as if a whole unseen world surrounds me with their love and guidance."
- Nadine Calis
"I received my scarves today and they are sensationally gorgeous, they feel amazing and their energy is beautiful. Thank you for your contribution to peace in the world through your art."
- Dr. Lisa J. Gordon