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Doni Amoris, Tim Whild, Mia Kafkios, Katie-Jane Wright, Aodaoin Hathaway & Sophia Shanti


Limited Edition of 1111

Made with Love in Italy

The energy of Lemuria is calling...

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Divine Union

of Lemuria

Lemuria. In the spirit of Love and Oneness, we come home to the Motherland.

For eons, the Lemurian elders have been the keepers and guardians of the purest crystalline ascension frequencies of light. Delivered by the heart-song of the ancient ones, these frequencies of Lemuria stream forth to the minds and hearts of humanity to assist the birthing of a new Golden Age.


Spiritual teachers, channelers, and artists, Tim Whild, Katie-Jane Wright, Sophia Shanti, Mia Kafkios, Aodaoin Hathaway, and Doni Amoris have co-created to anchor and to transmit five illuminating frequencies of Lemuria directly from the Source to you.


We have worked with the Lemurian consciousness, walked through the Golden Gates of Telos, connected with the Great Central Sun, the Lemurian seed crystals, the spirit of Mt. Shasta, and more to bring forth the blessings of Lemuria in a new and tangible way.


The five frequencies of Lemuria connect multiple timelines, providing the dedicated practitioner with clear guidance, positive energy, and activations towards realizing a life of greater joy and peace.


We have intimately anchored the five frequencies of Lemuria into wearable ascension chambers, which are worn to build our 5D bodies, to accelerate the remembering of our divine self, and to live life from our fullest soul potential.


Discover the exquisite Lemurian energy scarves of Divine Union, Light, Mother Dragon, Mermaid, and the Crystal Heart, and bring the consciousness of Oneness into your life and home.


Together we rise, and a New Earth awaits.

We invite you to join us on this transformational journey!

With much love, joy, and gratitude,

Doni, Mia, Aodaoin, Tim, Sophia and Katie-Jane

Anchor 1
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Divine Union
of Lemuria

Oneness, New Earth, Divine Union

In the dance of Love, the Lemurian symphony of Oneness awakens our soul. In this perfect harmony, we come home to the Divine Union of energies within. In the embrace of the emerald Lemurian water codes of supreme peace and joy, the New Earth awakens within you. All that is comes into harmony again. Equilibrium unfolds in your life in a perfect way and with divine timing. Awaken, child of Lemuria!

When you wear the Divine Union of Lemuria energy scarf, the divine masculine and divine feminine energies within you align to resonate with eternal harmony. From this harmonious vibration of your inner sacred space, inspirations and activations flow forth to awaken a deeper light, and to ignite the New Earth codes in your consciousness. This is your sacred time to remember, to awaken, and the time is now.

Encoded in this heavenly veil of liquid light, you will receive Lemurian codes, the energy of sacred colors, and activations for your highest good. This wearable talisman carries many personal energy gifts and seeds of light that will blossom at each step forward on your ascension journey. You are invited to carry the Lemurian consciousness in your energy fields and co-create a sacred union of energies, to support your joy and to awaken the New Earth.


The perfect symphony of divine energy, emerald-green, soft pink, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it become your personal gateway to be in divine connection with Source. The Divine Union of Lemuria scarf is lovingly charged with a special Lemurian crystal from Mount Shasta and is activated by Doni Amoris and Mia Kafkios to support your joy and spiritual journey.

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Divine-Union-of-Lemuria by Doni Amoris and Mia Kafkios.jpg

Recommended Practice


Wrap the Divine Union of Lemuria scarf like a cocoon around you. It is a mantle of love, harmony, and the divine energies of the masculine and feminine source energies. Close your eyes and go into meditation. Inhale deeply, drawing in the energy around you. Let it fill your lungs, your heart, your very soul with the symphony of Oneness. As you exhale, feel all the tension and stress leaving your body.


Breathe in peace. Breathe out tension. Relax deeper.


Visualize the energy of the Lemurian divine union swirling within you, a dance of emerald light - intertwining, integrating, becoming one. This is the essence of your being, a perfect balance, a divine union of masculine and feminine energies. As this energy fills your being, see it awaken the dormant Lemurian codes within you, igniting them with brilliant light. Feel this light spread throughout your body, permeating every cell, every atom, every thread of your existence.


Picture your life unfolding in perfect equilibrium, everything happening in divine timing, every moment filled with peace and joy. The New Earth is awakening within you, and you are part of its sublime symphony.


Keep your eyes closed for a few more moments, feeling the residual energy of this meditation. And when you feel ready, gently open your eyes, carrying the energy of the Divine Union of Lemuria with you. Remember, this is your sacred time, and the time is now. You are a child of Lemurian Oneness, and you are walking a sacred path of ascension. Carry this energy with you throughout your day and remember the New Earth is awakening within your soul.

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Color Infusion Benefits

  • Vitality builder

  • Cell regeneration by stimulating the pituitary gland

  • Balances the energy flow between body, mind, and spirit

  • Increases intuitive powers


This beautiful creation has been completely infused with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% finest Italian silk

  • 138cm x 178cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 2
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Light of Lemuria

Activation, Foundation, 5D Light Anchor

From the brilliant gates of Telos, timeless Lemurian codes of light shine forth. Codes of Divine Light envelop you with the blessings of the Great Central Sun. In the Light of Lemuria, we come home. The Lemurian light codes guide you to receive exactly what you need to grow at this time on your spiritual journey. The wisdom within awakens. In the Light of Lemuria, every heart and soul is uplifted for the good of all, ushering in the New Golden Age.


When you wear the Light of Lemuria energy scarf, the embedded light codes serve as the energy needed to cultivate your 5D body. The codes of celestial light provide energetic support to strengthen and to build your spiritual foundation. This process of spiritually tuning up your physical and etheric body, guides you to attune with increasingly higher vibrations, becoming a 5D Light Anchor yourself. By shining the loving light within, we can truly transform our life and the world.  

Encoded in this sacred veil of Divine Light, you will receive potent Lemurian codes, sacred colors, and activations for your highest good. Among the many blessings of this scarf, you also receive the energy of divine wisdom to illuminate your path and to serve those around you with the purest light of love, oneness, and healing. The iridescent golden rays provide a shield of light to protect yourself and those around you from lower vibrations.


The perfect union of divine energy, golden yellow, iridescent rainbow colors, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your sacred talisman to connect with the blessings of Lemuria. The Light of Lemuria scarf is lovingly charged with a special Lemurian crystal from Mount Shasta and is activated by Doni Amoris and Tim Whild to support your joy and spiritual journey.

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Light-of-Lemuria by Doni Amoris and Tim Whild.jpg

Recommended Practice


Drape your Light of Lemuria scarf around your shoulders and feel the fabric against your skin. Close your eyes and take a moment to attune to the energy of the scarf. Take deep, slow breaths to ground yourself in the present moment. Visualize a beam of golden light extending from the base of your spine into the heart of the Earth, creating a strong foundation. Now, feel this golden light rising from the Earth, through your body, and upwards towards the cosmos, aligning you with the celestial light of Lemuria.


This alignment opens the radiant gates of Telos before you. Breathe in a soft, warm light emerging from these gates, carrying the blissful Lemurian codes of light towards you. Welcome this light into your being.

Feel the embedded light codes from the scarf activating, cultivating your 5D body. The celestial codes work like energetic beams, reinforcing your spiritual foundation, tuning up your physical and etheric bodies. Breathe in love, breathe out light, become an anchor of divine illumination for yourself and the world. You are being imbued with the energy of divine wisdom, illuminating your path and equipping you to serve those around you with the purest light of love, oneness, and healing.

Feel the iridescent golden rays of the scarf encasing you, acting as a shield against lower vibrations. You are protected, you are loved, you are a part of the cosmic dance of oneness. Take a few moments to sit with these vibrations, letting them seep into the very core of your being. When ready, send out a prayer of gratitude, and come back to this time and space.

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Color Infusion Benefits


  • Color Infusion Benefits​

  • Vitality builder

  • Emotional uplift

  • Energy purifier

  • Increases intuitive powers

This beautiful creation has been completely infused with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% finest Italian silk

  • 138cm x 178cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 3
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Mother Dragon of Lemuria

Soul Freedom, Magic, Purification

From the heart of the Universe, a purple ray of energy is transmitted by the great, ancient, timeless Mother Dragon of Lemuria. Amarac has seen the birth of this Universe and her wings of love carry the ancient starlight of Sadalsuud. Her divine dragon code of soul freedom connects us with the infinite potential of our true nature. We are called to step into our power as an aquarian luminary and earth guardian.


When you wear the Mother Dragon of Lemuria energy scarf, the Cosmic Mother’s spiritual womb embraces and elevates your light body and aligns you with your inner magic. The Mother Dragon’s purple flame purifies the upper chakras, allowing for a deeper Divine Connection. This transmission guides the sincere practitioner to experience gradually higher states of consciousness, preparing and building the 3D body for 5D ascension.

Encoded in this sacred veil of the Mother Dragon, you will receive Lemurian codes, the energy of sacred colors, and activations for your highest good. The golden dragon code, the purple flame, and the ancient starlight carry seeds of energy that will integrate and bloom in divine timing to support and uplift your life and spiritual journey.


The perfect union of divine energy, colors of sacred purple, golden yellow, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf.  May it be a portal that connects you with the blessings of the great Mother Dragon. The Dragon of Lemuria scarf is lovingly charged with a special Lemurian crystal from Mount Shasta and is activated by Doni Amoris and Aodaoin Hathaway to support your joy and spiritual journey.

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Mother-Dragon-of-Lemuria by Doni Amoris and Aodaoin Hathaway.jpg

Recommended Practice

Sit in meditation, the Dragon of Lemuria scarf wrapped around you. Focus on your breath, and visualize a radiant beam of purple energy descending from the cosmos above. This is the divine dragon energy of Amarac, the ancient Mother Dragon of Lemuria. Feel the warmth of her purple flame washing over you, purifying your upper chakras and aligning them in perfect harmony. As you breathe in, visualize this divine energy infusing your light body, elevating it to a higher vibrational state.


Feel yourself being gently embraced, protected, and nurtured by the cosmic energy. You are part of a larger, sacred whole, and are dearly loved. As you continue to breathe deeply, you begin to receive the Lemurian codes. Allow yourself to receive the golden dragon code and breathe into the energy of your infinite potential. Acknowledge the ancient starlight of Sadalsuud shimmering within you, connecting you with the wisdom of the ages. You are an Aquarian luminary, a guardian of the Earth. You carry within you the transformative power of the cosmos.


Envision the purple flame of the Mother Dragon blooming in your third eye chakra, in the center of your forehead. Feel it purify your mind and enhance your connection with the Divine. In the warmth of this flame, your light body is uplifted and activated for your highest good. From the Mother Dragon you receive now seeds of energy that will bloom in divine timing to support your ascension. Know that you carry this potent energy within you always, ready to blossom when the time is right.


Gently bring your attention back to your breath. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, and go forth to carry the energy and wisdom of the Mother Dragon of Lemuria with you into your everyday life.

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Color Infusion Benefits

  • Vitality builder

  • Activates pineal gland

  • Increases intuitive powers

  • Stimulates immune system 


This beautiful creation has been completely infused with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% finest Italian silk

  • 138cm x 178cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 4
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Crystal Heart of Lemuria

Divine Mother Codes, Awakening, Love

Dive deep into the Divine Mother's heart. A sanctuary of divine reflections and crystalline love unfolds. In the loving presence of the Lemurian Mothers, divine codes are integrated to guide you back home to your spiritual roots. This homecoming activates your cosmic connection to the Stargates of Andromeda and downloads ascended aquatic wisdom into your higher heart and mind. May the Lemurian crystalline water codes guide you to live from the heart.


When you wear the Crystal Heart of Lemuria energy scarf, its aquamarine vibration awakens and infuses your light body with Lemurian Divine Mother codes, supporting you to remember your own divinity, light, and power. Embedded in this living talisman is an empowering Light Language code that was channeled by Katie-Jane’s intimate connection to the crystal and Divine Mother energies of Lemuria.

Encoded in this divine fabric of crystalline love, you will receive Lemurian codes, the energy of sacred colors, and activations for your highest good. The blessings that pour forth from the Crystal Heart of Lemuria support your work as a crystal healer, light worker, and free spirit. We experience this creation opening us up to Divine Love and the embrace of the Mother, who lovingly guides us to create a better world as awakened children of the Universe.


The perfect union of divine energy, aquamarine, soft pink, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf. May it serve as your personal portal to connect with the heart energies of Lemuria. The Crystal Heart of Lemuria scarf is lovingly charged with a special Lemurian crystal from Mount Shasta and is activated by Doni Amoris and Katie-Jane Wright to support your joy and spiritual journey.

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Crystal-Heart-of-Lemuria by Doni Amoris and Katie-Jane Wright.jpg

Recommended Practice

Wear your Crystal Heart of Lemuria scarf and find a space to meditate at home or outside in Nature. Close your eyes gently and breathe in deeply. Breathe and feel into your heart space. The heart becomes your gateway to connect deeper.

Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a serene body of water. This is not just any water body, but a reflection of the Divine Mother's heart. The surface of the water glistens, almost like millions of tiny crystals, embodying crystalline love. As you gaze into the serene depth, you begin to sense the gentle, loving presence of the Lemurian Mothers.

Feel the aquamarine vibrations awakening within you. This energy infuses your light body with Lemurian Divine Mother codes, awakening your remembrance of your own divinity, light, and power. This remembering activates a cosmic connection within you, a radiant bridge to the Stargates of Andromeda. In this cosmic connection, you see a majestic White Whale, a being of ascended aquatic wisdom, offering insights to your higher heart and mind.

Breathe in deeply, absorbing this divine energy, and as you exhale, dive deeper into the heart. Feel yourself being held and supported by the loving energies of Source, enveloping you in its tenderness. Breathe and connect deeper.

As you continue to breathe deeply and evenly, you feel divine codes of wisdom integrating into your being, guiding you back home to your spiritual roots. You are coming home to the heart of your true self, the heart of the cosmos.

When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings. Send out a prayer of gratitude, slowly open your eyes, and carry the crystalline love and divine wisdom within you into the rest of your day.

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Color Infusion Benefits

  • Vitality builder

  • Lowers anxiety

  • Increases intuitive powers

  • Cell regeneration


This beautiful creation has been completely infused with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% finest Italian silk

  • 138cm x 178cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

Anchor 5
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Mermaid of Lemuria

Joy, Abundance, Creativity

Mermaid of Lemuria, Divine Sister, may your song of Heart Freedom elevate our being. In the vibration of your timeless heart-song, we are called to surrender, to trust, and to go with the Divine Flow. The mermaids, our divine sisters of Lemuria, they call us home and into a flow state of higher creativity, abundance, and joy.


When you wear the Mermaid of Lemuria energy scarf, the Ocean of Infinite Bliss embraces and uplifts your light body and aligns you with the song of your heart. You are being gifted the energy of the Divine Flow. Mermaid light codes of higher joy, effortless abundance, and inspired creativity weave into your auric fields. May we rise and shine together with our divine sisters and brothers on Earth, the Stars, and Beyond.

Encoded in this sacred veil of the Mermaids, you will receive Lemurian codes, the energy of sacred colors, and activations for your highest good. Among the many energy gifts to be received are also codes to support the letting go of resistance, to allow the Divine Flow to enter your life, and to step forward into your co-creative powers to share your light and soul gifts with the world.


The perfect union of divine energy, colors of sea green, soft blues, rainbow pink, and our sincere prayer awakens the energy matrix of the scarf.  May it serve as your anchor to connect with the blessings of the Mermaids. The Mermaid of Lemuria scarf is lovingly charged with a special Lemurian crystal from Mount Shasta and is activated by Doni Amoris and Sophia Shanti to support your joy and spiritual journey.

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Recommended Practice

Wrap the Mermaid of Lemuria scarf around you. Close your eyes and take a moment to center yourself. Begin by taking a deep breath in, hold for a moment, and then exhale slowly. Repeat this, taking your time to really feel your body and the breath. This is your moment of tranquility.

Visualize a soft, warm light that radiates from your heart. Imagine this light as a song - your joyful heart song. It's bright, serene, and harmonious. As the music of your heart plays, see yourself surrounded by the vast, endless ocean. You feel its deep connection, its eternal rhythm.

From the ocean's depths, you feel a call, a divine connection with your sisters of the sea. The Mermaids of Lemuria, ancient and wise, are guiding you, singing a lullaby that harmonizes with the song of your heart. They are calling you home to a flow state of higher creativity and abundance.

As you listen to their song, you sense a heightened creative power within you, a flow that is endless and abundant like the ocean. This is the Flow of Spirit. Let it envelop you. Let it hold you. Feel the peace it brings, the wisdom it imparts, and the guidance it offers.

Allow yourself to trust the Mermaids of Lemuria, your divine sisters of the sea. Surrender to their song, surrender to your journey. Your path may be hidden within the waves, yet it unfolds before you, led by the melody of your joyful heart.

Breathe in this trust, breathe in this divine connection. Trust that you are on a sacred journey, a journey guided by love, wisdom, and the song of your joyful heart. Know that you are always at the right place, at the right time.

When you're ready, you can slowly open your eyes, carrying this serene connection with you as you navigate through your day.

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Color Infusion Benefits

  • Vitality builder

  • Lowers anxiety

  • Purifies and rejuvenates

  • Increases intuitive powers


This beautiful creation has been completely infused with blessings and high vibrational energies at every step of the way, and will continue to be blessed in the future as well.


  • Made with Love in Italy

  • 100% finest Italian silk

  • 138cm x 178cm

  • Oeko-tex certified

  • Dry cleaning

  • What is the unit cost and minimum order quantity?
    Production cost depend on a few factors such as fabric material, size of scarf, etc. Please contact us for a price quote. Minimum production starts at 80 pieces and up.
  • How long is the production time?
    The printing and finishing of the scarves takes about 4-5 weeks. Add 1-2 months for designing the scarves plus some time for creating promotional materials.
  • How do I activate my scarf when it arrives?
    Hold your scarf in your hands and connect for a moment in silence. You may say a prayer, chant a mantra, or use other sound to welcome your scarf. Then wear it for your daily mediation.
  • What is the best way to receive the energy of my scarf?
    Please wear your scarf whenever you are going to meditate, practice energy healing, or open up to channel. The embedded light codes and blessings will be absorbed by your aura and light body and deepen your intutive powers. Please consider your scarf as a sacred being that deserves to be treated with respect and care. This way it will support you for a very long time. It is a living talisman!
  • How do I wash and take care of my scarf?
    Store your item flat and untied. Avoid contact with rain and harsh chemicals, and entrust it to a specialized professional for cleaning. You may also very gently hand-wash your scarf using cold water. Dry flat horizontally (towel underneath). To straighten fabric, steam gently.
  • How long will the energy blessing of my scarf last?
    The blessing by Doni Amoris will last a few months and can be renewed upon request. Occasionally, Doni Amoris re-blesses all scarves remotely.
  • Returns or Exchanges
    All scarves are made to order and blessed by Doni Amoris. A return or exchange is not possible. All sales are final. Should your scarf arrive damaged due to shipping accident, please contact us. Slight variations in color and minor irregularities in the weave of the fabric are normal characteristics of natural fibers and hand-made processes and do not reduce the energy or value of the scarf.
Gradient Strip

We only offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. Wearing our scarves is not meant to replace any necessary medical treatment or advice. For spontaneous enlightenment, please consult the inner guru of your choice.

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